Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Perfectly Normal

To some people I appear to  be perfectly normal.  My interpersonal skills have been well honed over the years out of necessity.  I was a shy person, and apparently I still am only merely in the closet.  A closet shy person you ask with one eyebrow raised...Well some of us over compensate for we perceive to be our shortcomings.  And yes I over compensate even now.  I seem to the outside world and untrained eye to be an absolute party creature but in reality I would rather be the ultimate wall flower.  I have tried blending into the wall paper but unfortunately I never seem to have an outfit that matches. 

I have performed as a dancer, martial arts instructor, I even, and I dread it, have taught sex ed.  Yes to teenagers with all those questions.  Some how I survived it and so did the kids.  I find that the cold hard truth is the best way to go and fear!  Scared myself and didn't want to engage in sex myself for awhile. Ridiculous I know but true.

If there is a hard way to do something I will find it and you can't stop me.  NO  Siree I am so stubborn and rebellious that I rebel against myself for crying out loud.  How is that for normal?  Well I suppose the husband is waiting ever patiently for me to wrap up my self indulgence, pack up and go home with him, I suppose I will do that but in the meantime Magenta and Indigo Sunsets to you!

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